Week 25 – Exhibition Week!

During this weeks one to one with Wendy, we discussed the FMP portfolio and the Critical Review of Practice.

Both elements of my FMP have been in the fount of my mind for some time. The initial feedback was constructive, mostly suggestions of how to shape both and indications on style.

I had already drafted out a CRP and have used the feedback received on some ideas to enhance and change a lot of the structure around.

Regarding the FMP portfolio, this is still very much a work in progress. I have been struggling with how to set out the PDF in a way that works with my project. Being primarily video and still installations over audio, it is difficult to judge how best to represent each Story.

I have decided to screen the film on the 30th and then observe the audience reaction. This way, I can get a feel for the sort of stories that work and those that may need some further developing.

I have also decided to alter the visuals on Sheena’s Story. I felt that the reflective nature of her film was not as powerful as the audio Story and thus did not do the work justice.

I had recently experimented with underwater motion and had used the GoPro camera to do a slow pan through some plants within the river. The effects were very positive and showed the scene emerging from the dark river bed, through the foliage to the bright surface.

I felt this ’emergence’ of a scene worked with Sheena’s Story as it gave a feeling of moving forward and growing. Something that Sheena covers well within her Story. This new version of the film can be seen here: